Winter Solstice 2022 Reflections - Join us for a remote meditation today from 6 -7 pm EST!

The winter solstice comes every year and offers us an opportunity to make the most of a new Sun cycle that shines down upon us. That new cycle connects to a new cycle for us too, naturally. It is a time to reimagine and reignite intentions and enthusiasm for what is to come. 

I've joined a lot of winter and summer solstice meditations over the years. I've used the chance to reset and rethink and feel into what changes I'd like to make in my life. As we set our winter solstice vision for the next months, we have to be prepared to take action on what we intend. We have to be prepared to tread gently and lovingly too with ourselves as we put energy into what we want to improve. 

One could easily say that each day offers us a new opportunity to make a change in our inner or outer experience. Waiting for special moments on the calendar to do so aren't always helpful to our growth. The present matters. Still, we can take advantage of this winter solstice and the new year to come to empower ourselves and others to make both small and large moves to have more of what makes us truly happy. 

I would encourage us today, as I will do as well, to make a list of the types of positive experiences we'd like to have moving forward. To think about what types of outcomes and the feelings we'd like to have associated with those outcomes. If I want to do more volunteer work, for instance, I can imagine what it will feel like to be helping others in that way. If I want to take more time out for my hobbies or for self-care or a particular project, I can imagine how it will feel when I follow through on it and how it might impact others around me as well. 

It is important to be sincere and authentic with ourselves when setting a vision. If we have a large goal that will take more time to realize, we might want to set some smaller goals that support the larger one first. So much of this is about envisioning potential outcomes, trusting the process, and believing in ourselves as we take steps toward fulfilling that intention. 

When we've faced many obstacles in the past, it can be hard to believe things will work out or even in our own self-worth as creators. If this is true for us, we can use the winter solstice then to intend that life shifts for us in a way that increases our feeling of self-worth or that we are able to see how worthy we are through future experiences. If we have trouble trusting, we can ask for more trust. Further, we might focus on the types of activities that support us building that trust. Sometimes that is about stepping back and giving ourselves credit for how far we've come. Other times it is about carving out time to do more of the things that make us happy and that give us a sense of purpose. If we feel stuck, ask for more clarity on what will help us move forward and to become, let's say, more aligned with the qualities we most admire in ourselves or others. 

In closing, on this winter solstice 2022, I set the intention that we all feel more light, more love, and more peace in our lives, both on the inside and on what we experience on the outside. That we grow together in the realization of what will make us feel more complete and fulfilled on our life path. That the outcomes we intend empower the rest of us to do more of the same in healthy, helpful ways. 

Happy Winter Solstice!!!!!


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