Some Keys To Peace - To Feel At Our Best

Finding peace might seem to be a tall order and maybe this blog is too ambitious. Granted, these are only some keys that might be helpful and for many of us it could be a lifelong journey to experience the peace we want. 

So often though I think, however, that if we can understand ourselves and begin to love and honor who we are, peace is a natural outcome. It is one that involves taking a unique look at our lives, relationships, and our environment. 

Most of us have been on our own journey. Each of us is also different with unique filters for perception. We've been tested and challenged to attain our worthy goals for a peaceful, happy, and healthy life. We may be in the midst of that now. 

Like anyone, I've lived through ups and downs, but my intention has often been to experience more peace. The more I intended, the more it showed up, even though there have been plenty of distractions (I'm still working on it too by the way). 

That said, here are some keys to Peace: 

1. A Healthy Environment 

How often do we feel out of place or unhealthy in a certain environment? Maybe we feel powerless to change it, but as we bring awareness to how we want to "feel" in any given environment, we open doors to calling in the healthiest ones, wherever that might be. Find the environments where we feel peace. 

My experience: I've moved in and out different environments my whole life from cities to small towns to other countries back to this country, and in a wide variety of workplaces. They didn't always feel good, but each experience gave me insight. Today, Maine and in nature or a more quiet setting is that environment where I feel more at peace. 

2. Healthy People & Relationships  

How often have we felt as if we were with the wrong (or unhealthy) people (from any life situation)? People who didn't necessarily make us feel loved or supported. While we can practice having compassion at a distance for those who aren't healthy (helpful to healing); it is important to be with people who bring us peace. If we don't feel as if there are many of them in our lives currently, ask for them to come in. We have more creative power than we often think and sometimes it is only that awareness or desire that is needed to get the ball rolling. 

My experience: I feel blessed to be surrounded by a diversity of loving people. Yet, countless times, I've also been in situations where I could sense that someone (or something) wasn't good for me. I felt anxious instead of peaceful. Sometimes I went against that feeling and learned from it, while at other times, I intuitively stayed away. I love being around people, but it is helpful in our daily lives to take stock of whether we are with the right people who give us peace. 

3. Meaningful Work

How often have we felt disappointed or disillusioned with our work? This is tough one by any standard. So many of us have experienced (or experience) doing work we didn't like because we felt we had to. To survive, to support a family, or a certain lifestyle. 

If we find peace everywhere but at work and it allows us the life we want, then maybe its worth the sacrifice. That said, finding meaningful work that aligns with our passion or interests will make us feel more at peace. No one deserves to be miserable at work, and so exploring other options that make us feel good and still pay the bills is a worthy intention. 

4. Healthy Food

How often do we feel "blah" after eating certain foods? Many of us know through trial and error what feels good in our body and what doesn't. Comfort food (we all have them) may feel good temporarily, but usually leads to discomfort if we're paying attention to how it feels afterwards. 

Eating healthy can be hard because of how expensive it is or because we are so used to eating a certain way. The good news is that more healthy options are now available and that we have many resources to make a change. Find foods that give us peace. 

My experience: I've eaten pretty healthy most of my life, but it wasn't until the last 3-5 years that I've been learning to truly listen to my body. My comfort food wasn't sweets or chocolate, but bread and pasta. All types of grains including wheat. Eventually though I realized (I actually listened) that I had an allergy to wheat and that gluten wasn't healthy for me. When I gave it up and cleansed with smoothies and celery juice, all of my discomfort disappeared. I felt light, digested well, and had more energy. It's still that way. 

5. Healthy Individual Practices or Therapies

How often have we thought that if we just had time to do this or that we'd feel a lot better? It's pretty common. Yet, as many of us know from experience, healthy individual practices can make our day (s) feel better and our lives healthier. 

It's no secret that daily exercise, meditation, yoga, creative time, walks in nature, or other hobbies (etc.) are keys to feeling good. If we can choose one or two and bring them in each day for even 10 minutes to start out, we will begin feeling better. But we must listen to our bodies and our hearts. If we aren't doing the things that bring us peace, however, or find ourselves pushing; we might want to reassess. 

My experience: While I've explored many different individual practices, I've wanted for years for them to be consistent and the right ones for my body, mind, and heart. Practices that brought me peace were meditation (since I was 13), gentle yoga (as opposed to fast), moderate exercise (not extreme), and different creative outlets (photography/art). Talk therapy has been a good one for me too. But finding or making the time was often hard. Once I went to and also lived in the right environment, I was able to do them more consistently and with a greater sense of peace. Find practices that bring us peace. 

The list might go on and on. No doubt all of these take time to cultivate and we need to be committed to them. But if our intention or goal is more peace (even happiness), then I think they offer opportunities to feeling at our best. Much love 


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